This dude. And his kidneys. Should run for US Congress.
Sometimes you just stand there, with a mouth full of teeth, gaping, dumbfounded.
The following thread happened on twitter:
The Motherhub: So furious everytime I hear reference to the ‘debate’ on abortion. How come the whole country gets to debate on my body? My rights?
Stephen McKillop: In fairness there’s more to it than just that. There’s an unborn child whose life and future is also affeccted by this issue.
Victoria Smith: Do you worry this much about the lives and futures of those who might benefit from that extra kidney of yours?
And the dude’s gobsmacking response:

Jesus take the wheel.
Really? I mean, really?
What do you think pregnancy is? The woman as some kind of ceramic pot? She carries a homunculus around until it’s grown big enough, no doubt by absorbing quintessence straight from the aether, to be born?
There’s this thing called a placenta. It’s a stupendously complicated organ that interfaces with the fetus’s circulatory system and allows the mother’s lungs and digestion and kidneys to perform all the vital functions for the fetus.
The fetus is using her kidneys, as if she was a human dialysis machine. Her kidneys allow it to live.
Just as your spare kidney could be removed and given to someone who’s dying for lack of a transplant.
So, now that you know she’s not just a pot, and you apparently feel people must save others’ lives at the cost of their own bodies, you’re going to understand when a kidney is surgically removed from you, right?
After all, there’s an adult human whose life and future are affected by that issue.