Shut people up; act hurt if they speak
It’s the new definition of free speech! What’s not to like?
Sady Doyle says it best:
1) “The people don’t want Clinton!”
2) Systematically harass voters into silence
3) “See? No-one you know is voting for her! It’s rigged!”
It doesn’t matter who you are, some little private citizen in comments, or a Hollywood celebrity, or a well-known male political worker, or a professional journalist, or, hell, even a superdelegate. (Edited to add: and another compendium of the harassment. Eta again: also more Sady Doyle, What online misogynists really want is silence.)
So the Clinton campaign finally, finally, launches Correct the Record. It’s intended to help her supporters catch the endless lies about her and point out the facts.
The response in Dudebro-land? Hillary Clinton camp now paying online trolls to attack anyone who disparages her online.
What’s next? Defending wife-beating because she had the gall to raise her arms to try to protect her head?
You know what? Silencing people, even women!, is not free speech. It’s harassment. It’s hate speech. People are gradually understanding its toxicity, but most of our laws haven’t caught up yet.
There’s this notion about free speech that the “marketplace of ideas” will sort it all out so long as everybody can say whatever they want whenever they want. Well, you know what else? Marketplaces only work when people don’t kick each others’ stalls down and nobody brings weapons.
I love this article. Thanks!
iwillbedamned on May 10th, 2016 at 10:59