I hate MarketSpeak
I am so fed up with marketers, I can’t tell you. What brought on this particular fit was some nonsense quoted on the BBC.
The article is discussing a rule that’s gone into effect in the UK, requiring web sites to let users know about all the cookies they plan on storing and asking users’ permission to do it.
In other words, it’s opt-in, not opt-out. Needless to say, practically nobody opts in. Cue the moaning of the marketers in 3 …, 2 …, 1 …
“Plain and simple – this will kill online sales.”
Oh, really? Seems to me online sales grew from nothing to huge before all this tracking crap got under way.
But British Telecom has the solution. Revert to opt-out with this clever little bit of marketspeak:
The cookie settings on this website are set to ‘allow all cookies’ to give you the very best experience. If you continue without changing these settings, you consent to this – but if you want, you can change your settings at any time at the bottom of this page.
“To give you the very best experience”? “To give you the very best experience”?!
Is the feel of all those cookies tracking me supposed to make me all warm and fuzzy and less alone in the world?
They’re not talking about me, and they know it. The “you” having the “very best” experience is the advertiser paying the web site’s bills.
So, here’s the PlainSpeak change that’s needed: “The cookie settings on this website are set to ‘allow all cookies’ to provide us with the most revenue.”
There. Fixed that for ya.