May her memory be a revolution
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a marvel. Amanda Litman said it best. May her memory be a revolution.

(Photographer unknown)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a marvel. Amanda Litman said it best. May her memory be a revolution.
Bostonboomer over at Skydancing corralled these and more great photos of the Glorious RBG.
quixote on September 19th, 2020 at 14:53
I saw a documentary on CNN some months back about RBG. Her husband, Marty, reasoned (paraphrase): “Who needs another white man working in the law profession? It is more important that Ruth works and goes as far as she can so she can lift up women.” And he proceeded to stay home with the kids! If only more of them were like that! And Ruth certainly did work, go far and give us all the gift of her legacy.
Yes, may her memory be a revolution, one befitting her! Thanks for this post, quixote, and kudos to BB for the pics.
Rest in power, Ruth, yours was a job well done. And now I’m going to cry, so will sign off here.
Branjor on September 25th, 2020 at 14:34
[from quixote: this comment by Earlynerd on the previous post really belongs here. Turns out you can’t move comments. Who knew? Everybody but me, probably.]
Justice Ginsberg died today. Like another incredibly courageous Justice, Thurgood Marshall, she brought the half alive ideals of the American constitution so much closer to living reality.
There is nothing so far in any of the articles I saw that truly shows how great a person Ruth Bader Ginsberg was, how much integrity she had, how much difference that integrity combined with intelligence and courage made to the lives of the majority of people in this country.
She was one of the extremely rare true feminists* who had any power in America. I think there is only one other remaining: Catherine McKinnon at University of Michigan’s renowned law school. Andra Dworkin was another, so were Justices Marshall and Blackman. Sandra O’Connor certainly wasn’t – her rulings on the right of American women to full equality and adulthood were very much along the lines of Alito’s – appeasements that either outright broke precedent or left the door wide open for later decisions to do so.
Justice Ginsberg carried forward everything women should have been able to expect in this country, but could not. She was a beautiful young woman who never let that define her, she married a wonderful man who proved that a lifelong equal partnership really could be achieved with someone of the opposite power dynamic, she survived the daily grinding down of sexism in her work and professional life with her mind and her optisism intact. She used her unique intelligence and voice with a rare lack of distraction, dilution or intimidation to transform that most abstract of concepts, justice, into daily reality for the majority of Americans.
Going back below the horizon again, but had to post this.
*A true feminist: someone who sees sexism clearly and who sees it whole. Someone for whom there is no reason, at all, of any kind, for women to have less freedom or fewer rights than men. Someone for whom “it’s the [male of the cause de jour]’s hour” argument simply isn’t on the board. Someone for whom “just not in our lifetime” was never an acceptable excuse for keeping injustice going just a little bit longer. Someone for whom, if the law was broken for women, it was broken for everyone
quixote on September 27th, 2020 at 09:50
Branjor, re going off to cry. There’s generally too much to cry about and I don’t know where to start. But something about RBG’s passing, I just want to go off somewhere for a year or ten.
quixote on September 27th, 2020 at 09:57
Thank you, Quixote. It did occur to me much later I could have just copied, edited and posted the comment here and deleted the old one. Grrr to wordpress for making it so hard…and I seem to recall that this is not even the most basic version??
Earlynerd on September 27th, 2020 at 23:22