The Silence of the Brutes
I followed a link from somewhere to this article, Downloading a Nightmare, about the association between autism and viewing child pornography.
The events unfolding in Joseph’s home—the SWAT team, the stunned parents, the vast collection of child pornography on a hard drive—have become increasingly familiar to autism clinicians and advocates. They are part of a troubling and complex collision between the justice system and a developmental disability that, despite its prevalence, remains largely misunderstood in courts across the country. …
I hadn’t known there was an association. So I kept reading to learn more.
Over several months, The Marshall Project interviewed a dozen families whose adult autistic sons were caught up in child pornography investigations….
Still, they found it difficult to believe their vulnerable son could be a danger to others, and as they researched the issue of autism and child pornography, it became clear to them he did not understand the ramifications of what he had done. …
Compounding the issue is the fact that high-functioning autism is severely under-diagnosed, and so some autistic men are diagnosed as a result of evaluations following their arrest for child pornography possession. …
Anything strike you about that? If the association was between autism and child pornography, autistic girls would also appear with these problems.
But there doesn’t seem to be a single one. ?? Odd.
They’re all boys and men, but the article doesn’t even mention it. Not once.
What is this consistent and complete invisibility of maleness as a factor in so much of the world’s violence?

Obviously, male violence is the bedrock of the caste system and paying attention to it would expose and dissolve the whole thing.
What amazes me is that the mass hypnosis necessary to sustain the system is so pervasive that it requires no effort to maintain even when the situation would seem to be exceptional enough that facts could be recognized without immediate danger to the mythology.
Somehow, even with such a thin thread of connection, the defense against noticing it is automatic.
None of which is to say that autistic men with pornography problems should not get help tailored to their condition. Of course they should. This post is not about that. It’s about the point that somehow a 100% (?) correlation is ignored and the article seems to think that autism is the only factor worth mentioning.
quixote on June 3rd, 2017 at 17:14
Ugh. Not even being “developmentally disabled” prevents the “development” of sexually abusive/exploitative propensities in males. And yes, it is striking that the 100% correlation between this behavior and maleness is simply ignored. I guess the people that study and report on it don’t want to come off as “bigoted.” I love your title to this post – “The Silence of the Brutes” – it is perfect.
Branjor on June 12th, 2017 at 19:44