Retirement isn’t in the bible, so…..
Hell. At this rate I’m going to have to start a category for Stupid Garbage Spewed By Congresscritters. And I try hard to avoid that “news.”
(just a small sample: Utah, why stop at global warming?. This is how our world ends. Congressmen should have at least room temperature IQ.)

And now? Now this from Greg “Body Slam” Gianforte who is (was?) running for Congress from Montana:
“There’s nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. … Nowhere does it say, ‘Well he was a good and faithful servant, so he went to the beach.’ It doesn’t say that anywhere.
Forgetting for a moment that little thing about separation of church and state, you know what else isn’t in the bible?
America. That’s what. Neither North, South, or Central.
So I guess you just better vanish, Mr. Greg. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.