On the scale of the planet’s problems, the inclusion of male-bodied people in women’s sports is becoming unimportant. The human race will survive if half of it loses its rights. It’s the way we’ve lived for millenia. Not so much fun, but survivable. Climate change, on the other hand, is becoming more and more likely to cause the deaths of some six billion people and bust us down to a level of technology where we have to use outdoor latrines again. So, with some apologies for yammering on about merely ignoring reality, here’s fairness in sport.
This article started it: Paper by 26 academics claims that having transgender women in female sports jeopardises fairness and safety [1], and calls for IOC [International Olympic Committee] to change its policy on the issue
Let’s look at boxing. Men’s boxing. These are two different categories of boxers. Men who differ this much in muscle mass and weight fight in different classes.

This, on the other hand, is women’s swimming. These two people are both defined as women by the National Collegiate Athletics Association and, according to the NCAA, the insignificant difference between them makes no difference if they compete in the same group.

A flat earther at least has the excuse of believing the evidence of their own eyes.
Comments Disabled To "Fairness in Sport"
#1 Comment By DarthVelma On 24 Mar, 2024 @ 12:57
Men with fetishes barging into women’s sports is just the most public-facing part of the larger issue that is sucking the oxygen out of every other effort undertaken by the left/progressives to improve conditions for anyone who isn’t a men in a dress with a fetish for being called “ma’am”.
We cannot get anything done…not about women’s rights, not about climate change, not about anything truly important because these scrotes require everything to revolve around them. We cannot have conversations about any topic without them making it about themselves. I would imagine pretty much everyone who follows your site has had a least one experience of watching a group fall apart once it was invaded by the tranz.
It’s hard not to believe it’s deliberate at this point.
#2 Comment By Branjor On 25 Mar, 2024 @ 12:33
It’s deliberate all right. Men have had thousands of years of experience at sabotaging women’s rights. It’s what they do. Twanz is just the newest arrogant Big Lie they’ve come up with to do it.
#3 Comment By quixote On 25 Mar, 2024 @ 18:49
They do keep finding reasons — excellent reasons! good reasons! the best reasons! — for why women’s rights don’t count and shouldn’t exist. As riverdaughter said so well years ago, they’ll take up the cause of fully raw cannibals rather than women.
About putting trans front and center, the Greens in NZ are an example that’s too close to home. Greens should be about environmental issues, right? Non-destructive development, natural areas, renewable energy, public transportation. There’s way too much to do.
So what do they focus on? Trans stuff.
And not even trans civil rights, which is a good and necessary thing although it has nothing to do with the environment. No, they’ve gone full into flaunting queer flags while checking for misused words and pronouns among lesser beings.
They’ve lost so much support that even them plus Labour is a minority, so we now have your typical kleptocrat cabal run by a dick.
(Well, that’s annoying. wp won’t even let me add an image. Just in case anyone wonders what I mean: [2] )
#4 Comment By Earlynerd On 27 Mar, 2024 @ 20:45
And then there’s this, quietly going on over in Afghanistan:
There just seems to be nowhere women can gather together and organize to fight this kind of thing. Men smash, shut down or take over everything.
#5 Comment By quixote On 28 Mar, 2024 @ 16:06
The information out of Afghanistan is (almost?) always so searing.
Hamas, so blithely supported by the-enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend anti-Western Westerners, subscribes to many of the same beliefs. They only haven’t been able to act on them as much.
The mind reels. Mine does, anyway.
#6 Comment By Earlynerd On 29 Mar, 2024 @ 00:55
I feel so helpless now that there isn’t any central place to exchange information on what is happening to women.
Twitter had some pretty hateful aspects, but at least people who would never sign up could connect with others who posted there and it *did* tolerate pro-woman commenters. They’ve recently shut down the ingenuous work-around that let anyone browse posts there so that’s out.
Spinster has a very small group and many of them are right wing. Mastodon simply doesn’t tolerate anything really pro-woman. Any attempt to call attention to the horrors Hamas has committed and continues to commit is shouted down and drowned out, same with anything that calls out the blatant injustice to women of men taking vacays in women’s lives, invading our safe places, stealing our hard won sports and educational achievements. Posting about Afghanistan seems permitted, as long as Islam isn’t mentioned: Europe and America have abandoned that country, so it’s a safe topic.
I should at least be able to communicate with my Democratic senators and congresscritters, right? Nope, all Oregon’s have a don’t call us, we’ll call you set up – email or leave a phone message & if you’re very very lucky they’ll get back to you. At least Biden’s office does have an answered phone and does acknowledge email, but there just seems so little one person alone can do.
Sorry to spam your blog again. Please don’t feel you have to reply to this – I’m just so frustrated with it all.