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Covid is not gone, not mild, and we’re helping it get worse

The myth of increasing mildness allowed economies to go back to “normal” without spending more money. No need to improve ventilation. No need to provide vaccines against transmission and infection, only against “serious disease.”

But … we had been warned. The early data pointed toward this:

[A friend’s] third bout of Covid was significantly worse than the previous time they caught it.

“I thought every time you catch an illness it’s supposed to be a bit better each time?”

The misleading codswallop around covid drives me straight into podium pounding. A BBC article [1] has several examples.

This year even fewer people are being offered the vaccine [in the UK, but also everywhere else]. … Prof Openshaw says he is not a “doomster”, but thinks the result will be “a lot of people having a pretty nasty illness that is going to knock them out for several days or weeks.”

“I’m also hearing of people having nasty bouts of Covid, who are otherwise young and fit. It’s a surprisingly devious virus, sometimes making people quite ill and occasionally leading to having ‘long Covid’,” he says. …

The official government decision in the UK is to vaccinate those at risk of dying from Covid or needing hospital treatment. This relieves pressure on the National Health Service.

Prof Riley argues: “But that’s not to say people who are under 65 are not going to get Covid, and are not going to feel pretty rough. ..

“A lot of people have very little immunity to the Omicron viruses and their variants.”

If you are feeling rough with Covid – or rougher than you have done before – it could be this combination of waning antibodies and evolving viruses.

So where does this leave the thought that Covid is on a trajectory towards becoming a mild, innocuous infection?

There are four other human coronaviruses, related to Covid, that cause common cold symptoms. One of the reasons they are thought to be mild is we catch them in childhood and then throughout our lives.

Prof Openshaw is clear “we are not there yet” with Covid, but “with repeated infection we should build up natural immunity”.

In the meantime will some of us have to suck up a grotty winter?

“I fear so,” says Prof Riley.

Let’s take these in turn.

Regarding government decisions to vaccinate only those likely to end up in hospitals. This means nobody else needs the vaccine, right? Because nobody else gets sick, right? No. Wrong. We would have heard about the end of covid among all younger people. We haven’t. Quite the contrary. So governments have some other reason for limiting vaccinations. Money is one that comes to mind.

About those evolving viruses:

While I’m on the subject of evolution, let’s talk about what makes a virus become unimportant. One route is it kills the people who have problems so none of the remaining people notice any suffering. The second route is the virus evolves away from being able to infect people. (That does happen, but rarely [9].) A third option, only available recently due to science, is to vaccinate everyone so universally that transmission is impossible and the virus dies out in humans. (That was achieved with smallpox, and almost with polio until some antivaxxers felt that getting sick was better.)

The key point is how the virus evolves. In smallpox, for instance, production of new variants is very slow (for a virus). So it can’t quickly jump across species. That means the human variant is found only in humans and there is no animal reservoir that can reinfect people even if it’s stamped out.

In covid the rate of new variant production is very high. That means only very strict anti-transmission measures (lockdowns) would have helped, and (once it was available) vaccination of everybody very fast to stamp it out before variants appeared that could escape. We didn’t do that because it was too much trouble and who wants their tax dollars going to vaccinate some foreigners. Now we have omicron variants that are highly infectious [10]. The kind where walking through a room two hours after an infected person is enough to catch it.

[2023-12-21 Edited to add: the newest ‘variant of concern’ JN.1, offshoot of BA 2.86 on the omicron branch, is the most infectious yet. This is not by accident. Viral variants that are better at spreading will spread more (um, duh), meaning they produce the most progeny, which equals evolutionary success. So the more viruses we allow to be out there, the more we’ll see increasingly infectious variants.]

Variants are random. The virus is throwing things at the wall, so to speak. Sometimes those changes are not good for the virus and it dies out, as I mentioned above. Sometimes the changes do little. And sometimes they make the virus worse for humans. The worst would be a variant that spreads while people don’t even feel sick (covid? check), have high infectivity (covid? check), and then a disabling or lethal progression in most people (covid? not yet).

The more viruses there are “throwing things at the wall,” the more likelihood one of those millions of throws will be a lethal variant.

That’s what we’re enabling by telling everyone to get sick and not worry about it.


Are there solutions? Of course. They cost money or tiny changes in behavior. Governments and too many people would rather pretend they’re immortal than make the effort.

So, the short version is: almost all the covid suffering is preventable. Stupid money-serving myths about mildness only create the suffering we’re desperate to pretend away.

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Comments Disabled To "Covid is not gone, not mild, and we’re helping it get worse"

#1 Comment By Branjor On 20 Dec, 2023 @ 15:28

I’m just getting over my first ever bout of Covid. I’ve been sick for a week. I’ve been vaccinated five times against the disease, but have held off on getting the last vaccination because something new showed up in my lungs this past year, “diffuse interstitial prominences”, and I read a study that links interstitial lung disease to Covid mRNA vaccines. In this study, some people got acute interstitial lung diseases such as pneumonia right after vaccination. I have no idea whether or not the vaccine is related to a seemingly more chronic condition such as my own, but it was enough to make me hesitate to get another vaccination. I canceled an appointment I had to get the 6th vaccination in November, am still undecided about what to do, and sure enough, I’ve gotten Covid!

#2 Comment By quixote On 20 Dec, 2023 @ 16:33

Hey Branjor, good to see you again!

So sorry to hear you caught this damn thing. Don’t blame yourself too much. Breakthrough infections happen even if you’re up to date on the vaccinations. That’s why we need mucosal vaccines! (Podium thumping noises off.)

Vaccines only lower the risk of _infection_ (as opposed to severe disease) by about 40%. Not nothing, but also very far from ideal.

As for side effects of vaccines, the side effects of the disease itself are so many hundreds of times worse that I, for myself, can’t get worried about the vaccines. But that’s all statistics and probability, not certainty. For a specific individual specific outcomes can vary.

Take care of yourself as best you can. If you have access to Paxlovid, it’s said to not only reduce symptoms, but also the chance of long covid. Although not sure if that’s true if one starts it relatively late in the course of the illness.

I’ll be thinking of you. Come back and let us know how things go.

#3 Comment By Branjor On 22 Dec, 2023 @ 16:36

Hi Quixote, thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m feeling much better than I was even just two days ago, so this bout of Covid seems to be resolving nicely. I guess that since I have been sick, I am now immune to this winter’s strain of the disease, so maybe no need to be vaccinated now. Will discuss it with my nurse practitioner. However, at this point, I am thinking that maybe I should be vaccinated again next fall to protect me from whatever strain will be around the winter after this. Will see a pulmonologist and monitor the interstitial lung disease, paying special attention to whether there is any noticeable progression in it after the next vaccination. Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject for now.

Hope you are well and enjoying summer in your part of the world!

#4 Comment By Branjor On 24 Dec, 2023 @ 11:38

Given the information in this article by Quixote, I guess I was really lucky with this bout of Covid. It was miserable, but now is seemingly over in a little more than a week. I went to the doctor, who swabbed my throat and had it laboratory tested, and it was indeed positive for Covid. I do not know which subvariant it was.

#5 Comment By quixote On 24 Dec, 2023 @ 22:30

Glad to hear you’re on the mend!

Part of making the disease less severe, vaccinations also reduce its duration and chance of long covid. Obviously, the closer you are to that one-month post-vax mark, the stronger that effect is likely to be, but even when you’re months away (or even years?), if I remember the studies I read, there’s still a statistically significant beneficial effect.

Take care of yourself. And I’m sure I don’t need to tell you to wear a well-sealing N95 mask whenever you’re out and about.

Mucosal vaccines in a year or two. And then maybe we can finally start to put this plague behind us.

#6 Comment By Branjor On 26 Dec, 2023 @ 13:43

It’s great to be feeling better, thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

I just checked my card – the last vaccination I had was in September 2022. I am sure the five vaccinations helped to make this recent bout less severe.

…Iโ€™m sure I donโ€™t need to tell you to wear a well-sealing N95 mask whenever youโ€™re out and about.

๐Ÿ™ I’ve been wearing a mask outside since my five days of mandatory isolation were over but have ordered more from Amazon on your admonition. To console myself, I also threw in a DVD of the movie Megan Leavey, which I loved.

Mucosal vaccines in a year or two. And then maybe we can finally start to put this plague behind us.

Yes, I can’t wait!