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No entries received from trans swimmers for new ‘open’ races

I know. I know. There’s too much going on, starting with the planet running a fever to shake off this weird infestation of primates who are out of control. (Admittedly, we are doing almost everything we can to help.) But I can’t stand to think about those things so I’m going for distractions like everybody else.

This one whacked me between the eyes [1]. (Paywalled version here [2].)

headline in the London Times: No entries received from trans swimmers for new ‘open’ races
Global regulator World Aquatics’ pilot event in Berlin will not take place due to zero interest

So much for the plaintive cry of But-we-just-want-to-pla-a-a-a-y.

I guess it’s no fun unless you coast to victory among people in a different league. They could be worried about pushback if they tried to horn in on the children’s prizes.

I wonder if people will ever start listening to those of us getting the short end — we’ve been pointing this out for dogs’ years. There are plenty of ways to participate in sport without taking anything away from women.

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#1 Comment By Earlynerd On 26 Oct, 2023 @ 22:47

Along those lines:

Famed singer/activist Buffy St. Marie’s been pilloried for not being “indigenous” enough. She has more than enough credentials for claiming indigenous ancestry, but the same schizophrenic lefties who are all about letting men take over women’s lives and space are putting her under a microscope.


The outright hypocrisy will fall on the male owned media’s deaf ears, but it is out there.

#2 Comment By quixote On 27 Oct, 2023 @ 15:29

Fergawdsake. I’ve heard her name. Don’t know anything about her. But jesuschristalmighty, just _look_ at her. She has enough obvious phenotypic indigenous ancestry to have her portrait in the Smithsonian.

Besides which, what happened to “my truth” and “my lived experience”? She’s had those too, obviously.

It’s funny, as in GROAN, how when it comes to Amerindian-ness, or whatever term I’m supposed to use, we seem to be back in the days of octaroons and half-castes.

Stop the world. I want to get off.