Duh. There aren’t enough pixels in the world for a “Duh” that’s big enough. Meanwhile, with evidence right in the indictment that Trump was swanning around Bedminster, boasting about his loot, that place still hasn’t been searched.
Wake me up when he’s in jail.
Comments Disabled To "I’m not saying anything about The Indictment except"
#1 Comment By Earlynerd On 25 Aug, 2023 @ 13:23
Hey! Wake up! At least for the hour or so he was in jail, being booked…
RE: that Lutheran minister co-conspirator: of *course* he’s Missouri Synod.
Sexism is the root of all evil.
#2 Comment By quixote On 03 Sep, 2023 @ 23:04
You’re right. He was briefly in jail.
I was hoping for decades though. And, — this is the main thing — under a total gag order so we never have to hear or see that thing again.
#3 Comment By quixote On 03 Sep, 2023 @ 23:12
Speaking of him getting actually really and truly booked for once in his 40 year crime spree, I’ve been thinking what a huge debt of gratitude we owe to those two female black judges.
It gave me flashbacks to the David Duke vs Edwin Edwards election for governor of Louisiana. When the results were in, we’d avoided the card-carrying Nazi but, and this floored me at the time, no thanks to the white vote. That was majority Duke. I couldn’t believe it. The blacks saved the state.
And now, I hope, two black women will save the country.
Edited to add: Three female black judges. Forgot Letitia James since that’s a civil case over mere financial fraud. On the scale of theRump’s crimes, that’s a bit like getting Charles Manson for raiding the family fridge to eat all the strawberries. But she is the first to corner him on that, even so.
#4 Comment By Earlynerd On 27 Sep, 2023 @ 17:53
Haw! Just checked in post Letitia James’ cleaning up and cleaning out Trump, Inc.
Financial fraud just got a lot less mere. Normally, it *would* pale next to the crimes and treason but the scale of this is staggering!
Thank goodness so much competence, persistence and determination is on the side of justice for once. It’s amazing what having people capable of doing a job actually do those jobs can accomplish. It’s too bad that employment discrimination laws, especially for women, have been largely eviscerated.
#5 Comment By quixote On 27 Sep, 2023 @ 23:25
Yes! What a stupendous slam dunk.
Being exposed as a financial loser is, I’m guessing, the worst thing that can happen to that pathetic plotz of orange fraud. Except for being photographed without his weave.
(Oh, and James and Willis are of course, DAs, not judges, but whatever. Black female guardians of law and justice. You know what I mean.)
#6 Comment By Earlynerd On 28 Sep, 2023 @ 21:28
I know! I feel the same about the DAs – they’re both excellent trial lawyers but cast a strong sword & scale shadow, they’ve been so relentlessly effective.