What kind of people can even think such a thing?
Headline on an editorial opinion piece [1] — this has the full weight of the newspaper behind it! — in the Miami Herald:
Israel must put down Hamas
The full headline is “Israel must put down Hamas – rebuild relations.” Well, sure. After you slaughter all the chickens with bird flu, you try to “rebuild relations” with the uninfected chooks.

Update: Aug 18, 2014. I guess the Miami Herald reads this blog and noticed how atrocious that sounds. Now the only thing that comes up is an editorial from July 26th with the same meaning but more marketable words: Israel’s Challenge [3]. The Orlando Sentinel [4] still has a copy up. And I’ve taken a screen shot this time in case it disappears again. The point, I would like to tell these editors, is not to delete the article. It is to delete the mindset.
Update: Feb. 6, 2015. Second link also disappeared. All righty, then, here are the screenshots: