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The USA officially supports torture

I started this blog because I was sick at what the US was doing. The first post [1] was on this horrible topic. I’d like to repeat one point.

There are two hallmarks shared by dictatorships: detention without trial and torture. [2]

At that point, it no longer looked like the US might step back from the brink, but even then I assumed they would at least pretend to respect human rights.

Apparently not.

The US has just gone over that line. The head of state is supporting torture, out loud. Obama. Won’t be prosecuting anyone [3] because, because, because.

[The Geneva Convention and US law] specifically bars any exception in the case of national emergency. Not to prosecute because of such an emergency is therefore to end the Geneva Conventions – which is what Obama has effectively done.

Rest in peace, Lady Liberty

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#1 Comment By quixote On 11 Dec, 2014 @ 14:52

Don’t get me wrong. I am NOT arguing for the prosecution of low-level flunkies. (Except maybe the doctors and pyschiatrists who made it possible. There’s something even more repellent than repellent in their participation.)

The people who need prosecuting are the ones responsible, the ones who set policy. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell. And the ones who continue and support the policy. Obama.