Maybe the worst thing about dealing with toxic waste like ISIS is that it infects people trying to stop it.
Now, apparently, we’re taking hostages [1].
The Lebanese army detained a wife and daughter of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as they crossed from Syria nine days ago, security officials said on Tuesday, in a move seen as likely to put pressure on the Islamist chief. …
The Lebanese newspaper As-Safir reported she had been detained in coordination with “foreign intelligence”.
It would be one thing if she were providing some kind of essential function — smuggling the secret code to the Mad Scientist’s Doomsday Weapon or something. But considering the standing of women in ISIS, which is somewhere below eggplants, there’s no indication that she was actually doing anything. The most I saw somewhere was that somebody thought maybe she’d know something about locations of some kind.
The kid, of course, has even less to do with anything.
So this is hostage-taking pure and simple.
Which means even when ISIS is driven back into the rubble it’s made, we’re becoming them. They’ll lose. And so have we.

Comments Disabled To "Taking hostages is not okay"
#1 Comment By PDXPat On 03 Dec, 2014 @ 16:45
“Which means even when ISIS is driven back into the rubble it’s made, we’re becoming them. They’ll lose. And so have we”
I know you know this, but this is why the attacks on September 11th succeeded beyond Osama Bin Laden’s wildest dreams.
He could never have hurt this country as badly as it hurt itself in the following years, using the attacks as justification.
#2 Comment By quixote On 06 Dec, 2014 @ 18:42
I saw an accounting of the cost for Bin Laden’s World Trade Center attacks and what the US had spent in response. I saw it about 2010 or 2011, so it didn’t even include the last three years. For every dollar spent to blow up the towers, the US had spent a miilion. And that’s just economic costs, which, as you say, are the least of it.
#3 Comment By PDXPat On 06 Dec, 2014 @ 23:34
“For every dollar spent to blow up the towers, the US had spent a miilion.”
Sigh – there appears to be no way to move a critical mass with these facts.
Senator Clinton made it part of her campaign platform to restore the Fairness Doctrine. That might have helped.
I do remember along about the early ’80’s seeing an NOW sponsored TV ad showing a movie of a baby, with the voiceover giving the facts about what this pefectly functioning human being would suffer over her lifetime simply due to being born female.
Revoking the Fairness Doctrine put a stop to all that. Amazing what two generations of corporate wholly owned media can do.