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The Liberalism of Barack Obama

I really really really need to stop reading articles about politics. It just keeps setting me off. The latest was this [1], based on Gallup polling which suggests the Democratic “brand” is down in the porcelain fixture:

George W. Bush drove Americans away from conservatism, but Barack Obama is even more rapidly driving Americans away from liberalism.

Liberalism? Liberalism? Really? As represented by David Swanson’s [2] little summary, for instance?

… tripling of weapons sales to foreign dictators last year, Obama’s willingness to cut Social Security and Medicare, the kill list, imprisonment without trial, warrantless spying, corporate trade agreements, the continued so-called “Bush” tax cuts, the war on Afghanistan, the drone wars, the increased military budget, the murder of Tariq Aziz and of Abdulrahman al Awlaki, the weak auto efficiency standards in the news that day, the refusal to prosecute torturers, Obama’s sabotaging of agreements to counter global warming, etc.

The “etc.” includes little things like dumping the civil rights of half the population so that the state can be seen as supporting religion.

If that’s a “liberal,” I have this nice bridge in Brooklyn to sell you (needs minor repairs but is an essential artery).

Here’s an alternate theory. Maybe people object to betrayal. He did not, after all, campaign on any of the stuff he’s done. And he’s done none of the stuff he campaigned on. Maybe they don’t like Obama.

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#1 Comment By katiebird On 31 Aug, 2012 @ 09:55

(hangs head) It’s going to be a bad couple of months. I’d like to think that it’ll be better once it’s over but, I actually think we’re in for a bad time now matter who wins or how the house/senate shake out.

Here’s another question…. Once the Grand Bargain rises again, what then? Can we fight it back a 3rd time?

#2 Comment By quixote On 31 Aug, 2012 @ 20:35

Yeah, the whole zombie Grand Bargain BS really worries me, too. Wall St really wants that money, and they have their man in the White House either way. I don’t envy the young. Which might be the saddest thing an older person can say.

#3 Comment By northwestrain On 08 Sep, 2012 @ 16:54

Yep. Black Agenda Report has some graphics that tell the story. It’s going to be a hard two months.

When Clinton started talking up the Catfood commission — I stopped watching.

At the rate 0bama is compromising there won’t be much left in four years — then the next guy can blame the GOP again (cause they are really the bad guys.)

I’m reading “My Kingdom Come” by Ed Decker — about the Mormons. scary. Worth reading to understand both the Evangelicals and LDS. Why would a woman ever be a Mormon. What women have to go through in those super secret rituals — subservience to the men and the Church demanded and enforced.