You know, everyone. Including those everyones who are female.
Rights are the solution to the Todd Akinses of the world, and it would be unspeakably obvious if people could remember that rights matter.
For some reason, even people on the left don’t get it. I had somebody say, when I was carrying on about free speech rights and Pussy Riot, “Fuck theories of speech. Free Pussy Riot.” So, let’s see. “Forget about rights. Give ’em their rights.” Uh huh. That makes a lot of sense. And that’s the “thinking” on the left.
People don’t even get it when it concerns their own rights. There are way too many examples, but here’s just one from Lexia commenting at Reclusive Leftist [1]: “…the woman’s mother, who had worked as a nurse (she had wanted to be a doctor), but mostly as a wife, and so was left at retirement age, divorced, impoverished and living in a trailer with thirty seven leaks….
“The woman’s mother said to me, in response to some remark I made about women’s rights: ‘But that has nothing to do with us.'”
I’m not sure where this reluctance to think about principles comes from, but that’s why we have a problem. That’s why we can’t see that
I know we’re not supposed to shout, but, honestly people, what is so hard about that concept?
Take religion, for instance. At this point, it’s enough to say, “But it’s my religion!” to excuse just about anything. The media just stand there, being respectful, when a Todd Akin says “Women don’t count. I’ll tell ’em when they’ve been raped [2]. I’ll tell those uterine incubators what to do. It’s my religion.” The Left mostly nodded along when Obama quite agreed [3] that Catholic bishops shouldn’t have to put up with anything so anti-religious as female citizens making their own medical decisions. (But because he’s such a nice guy, it won’t be as bad as if that horrible Other Party was giving the bishops their wishes).
May I make a suggestion? I think we need a Church of Savage Death to all Godbags. They’re interfering with my religion, which is that we all leave each other in peace.
Yeah, I know. That’s about as logically consistent as destroying women while Allah is said to be Merciful and God is said to be Love.
It always takes only about one step to fall into complete logical absurdity [4] if religion is put above civil rights.
It’s obvious if you think about it at all. No other right means anything if you are not, as the old language had it, secure in your own person. If you can be imprisoned until you agree with me, you have no freedom of thought. If I can requisition a kidney from you (because I’m dying and my life is at stake and you’re a perfect match and my religion is pro-life), you’re nothing but ambulatory organ storage.
If all that drivel was understood in the context of rights, the Todd Akinses and their spiritual cousins, on up to the mild-mannered and socially acceptable versions in the White House, would all be obvious for the antidemocratic throwbacks they are. They’d never get near the teevee. Because the media are dimly aware that no religion is so important that it can demand human sacrifices. Not even female ones.
Comments Disabled To "Here’s an idea: civil rights for everyone!"
#1 Comment By katiebird On 22 Aug, 2012 @ 20:26
When people realize that the logical extension of granting personhood to a fetus is to deny personhood to women, there will be A LOT of very surprised women walking around.
I almost can’t wait. Except I’m not cruel.
#2 Comment By quixote On 22 Aug, 2012 @ 20:59
Yeah, that logic thingy. Seems to be in VERY short supply. I mean, what did they think would be the consequence if woman = incubator?
It’s not even like it’s a new idea that has never ever been tried anywhere. It’s just about standard practice. All people need to do is look outside to see what happens.
You know what’s wrong with the web? I can’t scream on it. AAAARRRRRRRGGGHHH.