I think this is the saddest story I’ve read. Amy Ernst writes about the rare Congolese men who stand by their wives, despite rape [1].
My mind’s eye sees these headlines, too: “Man’s family says he’s not a loser, even though his son was murdered.” “Grandparents adopt child, even though parents abused him.” “Sister gives brother a place to stay, even though his house was destroyed by war.”
And people are glad to hear about such generosity and kindness.
I’m not wondering about the rare men. They’re taking steps away from horror. But in what universe does the most basic smidgen of humanity sound like an accomplishment?
We live in hell.
(Go read all of Amy Ernst’s [2] writing, also on her own blog [3]. There’s one story in particular about one of the planet’s most amazing fighters and heroes, Maman Marie [4].)